Camp Sunshine Summer Program |
Camp Sunshine - Located at 4951 Walker Lane |
The program runs weekdays during the summer. Hours - 7 am - 6 pm. The program is for kids going into K-6th grades and is open to year round Orange Beach residents only (proof of residency required). Camp begins May 31 and runs through the Friday before school starts .
The program includes opportunities for children to participate in individual and group
activities through indoor & outdoor games, arts & crafts, movies, music, swimming, field trips, and special events. Activities are conducted by full time and/or summer staff.
Registration forms are available at Camp Sunshine. Registration fee of $35.00 for each child is due at registration plus 1st week payment of $80.00. Swim lessons for Kindergarten age - $50.00
Questions? Please call Sunshine Smith at 251-974-2336.